For the first time in recorded history, I missed the brew fest.
If I’d gone I would have tried to get there early, like this guy. And left early, before the lines got so long that a obtaining a 3 ounce sample would be a 20 minute ordeal.
But this particular brew fest weekend I had to move house (from N. Mississippi to downtown – from a walkscore of 88 to 100!), so dealing with that stress did not put me in the right state of mind (moving sucks!) to deal with the stress of sneaking out of work early on Thursday or Friday to get some beer before the hoards.
I know I must have missed some great beers . . . can anyone clue me in? I will scour Portland’s beer bars to obtain my own 16 or 20 ounce sample, sans the 20 minute wait.
You missed about thirty thousand dirty, sweaty, people all lined up for the same beer hollering ‘woo!’
I’ve seriously gotta rethink my OBF strategy.
Mary Sue – That’s what I thought 😉 Any especially good beers?
I posted some thoughts from OBF on Friday at
I mostly stuck with hoppy IPA samples, and there were some good ones. I would have been back for more over the weekend, but 30,000 sweaty people drinking too much made me reconsider. See ya next year?
Caldera Ginger Ale was fantastic…and it was just put on tap at Bailey’s (213 SW Broadway) as of last night.
My other favorite of the fest was Surley’s Coffee Bender…but they don’t distribute in OR…
David – Right on, thanks for the info. I’m not a huge IPA fan, though I can appreciate a good one in small doses. I’ll probably make the brewfest in the future, but I gotta arrange to have Thursday or Friday afternoon off so I can beat the crowds.
Laurie – Hmm, sounds interesting . . . I will make a trip to Bailey’s (1 block from my office!).
I quit going several years ago after the people at the gate demanded I produce my ODL to be scanned.
I am middle aged and look it.
“…how little does the common herd know of the nature of right and truth.” — Socrates in Plato’s “Euthyphro”