Curse of the Haunted Curds – the Brewer’s Revenge – takes place Thursday, 29 October 2015, at Deschutes Brewery Portland Public House (210 NW 11th). This
From 11 AM to 8 PM visitors to the pub can order a special poutine sampler plate ($10 donation) featuring poutines from five chefs from area pubs (Deschutes, Fat Heads, Portland Brewing, 10 Barrel, Rogue). Each poutine features a gravy made with one of their beers, and event sponsor Face Rock Creamery‘s Vampire Slayer garlic-cheddar curds.
At 6 PM a judging panel including cheesemonger Steve Jones will decide on a winner. The “People’s Choice Award” will also be presented to the chef who received the most votes from diners who ordered the poutine sampler throughout the day.
Read the press release at Brewpublic for more details.