Redbull’s Flugtag (not to be confused with the Bognor Birdman) returns to Portland this Saturday, August 2nd.
In 2004 Portland hosted a Flugtag at Waterfront Park. I joined about fifty thousand other people getting sunburns, drinking beer, and watching the silly people wearing funny costumes launch their harebrained contraptions (and themselves) off the end of a 30 foot stage into the Willamette River.
Four years later, Flugtag is back. Again, Waterfront Park is the venue. The event is free, gates open at 11am, and the first “flight” is at 1pm. The “aviators” are judged on distance “flown”, creativity and showmanship. Our favorite Portland Trailblazer Blogger, Channing Frye, is one of the judges. And don’t worry about, there will be food and very drinkable beverages (i.e. beer) available, in addition to the undrinkable (i.e. Redbull).
Hey, we’re having Flugtag in Ottawa this weekend, too. I think it’s the 3rd as well. Looks like a rip-roaring good time, though I’m kind of hesitant to support anything sponsored by RedBull (which I’m sure we’re going to find out in a few years has irreparably damaged millions of young people)
XUP – I won’t touch the stuff myself. It’s basically a soda pop. Higher concentration of caffeine and sugar, but the cans are tiny. It’s probably done less irreparable damage to millions of young people than Coca Cola or Nehi. The Flugtag event is a blast though; I recommend you go, just don’t buy any Redbull.