Update 12/15/2008: Based on some of the comments this post has received I think some people do not understand that the suggestion that Les Schwab somehow influences the local news media to hype winter storms (like they need any help) is a *joke*.
I heard an interesting theory the other day that Les Schwab conspires with the local news media to hype immanent snow storms (that seldom actually materialize) so they can sell more snow tires.
I had a conspiracy theory that the Les Schwab in downtown Boise was paying kids to slash tires up 8th street and into the North End because that was the only place one could push or slowly drive one’s car to when something like that happened. I had my tires slashed 3 times when I lived there. Once a year – just before Christmas, actually. Huh…
devlyn – Hmmm . . . the conspiracy widens!
We don’t have any snow tires left up here. People are on waiting lists. So when they announce a storm, I guess we can be pretty damn sure it’s going to happen
PS: Send snow tires
XUP – Too bad you don’t have any Les Schwabs up there!
I can’t quite believe conspiring with media to hype coming snow, but Les Schwab’s guys sure seem to know how to warp rotors. They put my snow tires on today. When I got home I checked the lugs with my Craftsman automatic torque wrench to make sure they were torqued close enough to 78 ft*lb. The break free torque ranged from under 70 to MORE THAN 150 ft* lb! Running those nuts down with a rattle gun to near triple their rated torque has lost Les Schwab any future business from me.
I’v had 4xs the let down with Les Schwab in PDX.The first time was braking the backing off of my gf’s leather driver seat cover,looking for the tire lock. The second time was a bad alignment they did on the same Acura,which was not resolved.The third time was checking my out my brakes and keeping my tire lock on my SUV. The final time was waiting for a whole hour, just to let me know they couldn’t take out a nail, to patch the whole in my tire.BTW,they said it would be 20 mins. I then drove down to another tire shop and had it done in 5 minutes with a plug.I think they just don’t care about the customers as much as they used to because they are so HUGE now.
Now I’ve heard everything! Les Schwab bribing the media to Lie, yea! I’ll bet the networks are all over that, after all times are tough right? And paying kids to slash tires on 8th st. Ya know I actually saw Elvis and Jimmy Hoffa out with them slashing away! ET was flying low cover lookout overhead. It amazes me what morons come up with, and it further amazes me what sites will print. Do any of these sources work for another tire company? If any of you knew what the code is just to work for Schwabs you’d blow these stories off like the crap they are. And no, I do not work for them. I have however done business with them for over 30 years. Schwab’s has as high a standard as any regarding its employees, if the Company learned that any of this Bull was true, trust me all involved from Management down would be looking for other employment. If you know Schwab’s, you’ve seen it happen, damage the Company reputation and your gone period! That said, like many of you I’ve seen changes in the company. Customer service and the employees in general aren’t as friendly as in the past. I think sales numbers and bonuses have affected peoples outlook. But has any company escaped this? We’ve become a nation of salesmen and bottom line. Are the people at Albertsons, Fred Meyer, Costco, or Goodyear any better? I for one am tired of going into any business where I’m a “Mark”, bought a cell phone lately? Those folks are generally straight commission, and are required to make certain numbers or so long. Many store employees these days act as if their doing me a favor by being there, try Sears for example. Hows customer service at Home Depot and the big box stores? Can you find a sales person? How about one who knows the products in the area ? I’m getting off the soap box now, but do me a favor, see if you can find a little truth in a statement before you print it. Oh wait a minute I hear “Dave Knows ” is actually a part of the National Enquirer, so who cares about the truth. Its the story that counts, right?
Craig, deep breath, buddy. We need to save our misdirected outrage for the real conspiracy: Canadians invading to steal our snow tires.
You have to be kidding me. Thos guys at LS completely rock…I have never seen a business work harder and try to please the customer more. I think people try to find things wrong that they do.
Let’s get down to the basics. LS is in the tire business. Right away any complaining about mechanical work done there other than “changing tires” (and yes this includes balancing) should not be performed by them by any means. They are not mechanics, they are hacks that run around well, and change tires. As a mechanic by trade, you should not have the basket weaver designing the space shuttle. Get my drift?
still off UHM. you seem to have misunderstood the whole company.
The first 30+ years they had the tire guys doing brakes, struts, alignment, ect. But these days it is separated. The alignment shop is pretty much only mechanics that know how to do it right. that is, in oregon. Some states haven’t switched to only having tire guys do tires. but take it from a current employee who is only in the tire shop. I will not even touch the struts or brakes or anything until I am fully trained to work in the alignment center. Yes, the workers who work in the shop were tire guys, but they know what they are doing. you’re making yourself look stupid now. I myself work at a les schwab that has 2 or more of some of he best alignment center specialists in the company. call me crazy, but I believe everyone around here tries to keep the tire guys in the bays like we do until they are trained to advance. LS is an amazing company with the best service out there. yeah, we run. but it isn’t a show, it’s all to get it done in the fastest way possible.
over torquing, braking shit, and so on, was most likely bad management at one particular shop that needs to watch the new guys. and if your wait time changed, screw it, that happens. people get busy. stop being a baby and go wait at home
Yeah well I can believe that hahaha pretty funny. But someone on Franklin and curtis must love my tires, because last week there was 5 puncture holes in my tire and this morning 1. I just moved here so it’s impossible for me to have an enemie, I think it’s weird that this keeps happening to me. Its frustrating and is too expensive. C’mon people who like to do this, get a life!!!!
I currently work for L.S. and can confidently say that I try 100% to have every car I work on done correctly. I have been an employee for over 9 years in the Portland area.
If I didn’t work there, I would still have them work on my car. Are we perfect? No, but we try. Schwabs is a great company and its programs are second to none. No where else will you find a benfits program, retirement, and mentality like it.
One problem we have had lately is our wait times. I’m sorry but when 30 people all come in within 30 minutes and need things fixed or replaced, it’s going to take a little while to do it properly. Newer cars simply take longer to work on. It’s not like the good ol’ days. Today’s cars have very expensive sensors inside the wheels which break easily. Also many newer cars have big 18″ or 20″ wheels which also take more care and time. So my recommendation is possibly leaving the car and getting a ride or bringing your laptop as we have wifi now. And its true. If you tire is bald or unsafe to drive on, we are not going to fix it. We drive on the same road as you do.
Thanks for reading.
Lol… I knew a great honest guy who worked at Schwab. From stories I’ve heard and things I’ve read I would be a little scared to take my vehicle into a Les Schwab. Doubling the torque on the lug nuts and other signs of carelessness. That and the prices tend to be ridiculous and vary from individual to individual.
I will admit I went to a Schwab when I was in an emergency and in a different state (West Jordan, UT). The price was a little high but reasonable. They had a dozen customers and it took them between three and four hours to fix my rear drum brakes. The thing that killed me was how rude the manager was to me. The associate who worked on the car was terrific but didn’t do what he promised to and give me the ruined parts so I could talk to The Brake Team about their shoddy job. I hope never to go back to a Les Schwab again.
The moral: Learn to do as much maintenance and repair as you can and make good friends with real mechanics. Preferably good mechanics.
OK! Deep breath! Some of the stories I read here and in other places amaze me, seriously! My God someone has a problem with one worker at one store, and the whole company sucks! I’ll bet you think Elvis is still in hiding and are waiting for the Comet to pass by again. Double torque on lug nuts ya say, suppose you tell us how that happens. I’ve never seen anything like that and most Schwab Guys would have to stand on the torque wrench to go that high. If! the torque wrench they use will even go that high! Now I did have a new guy over tighten my lug nuts 25 years ago, with an impact wrench. The Guy admitted it, and Schwab’s replaced the wheel studs for free. Sadly I waited an hour while they did. I know the manager and at least in his store the air compressor’s, and impact wrenches are set so extreme torque is impossible or very unlikely. The mechanic who posted a bitch here, is like many who work at shops who charge $70.00 an hour plus, and have lost business and fellow workers to Schwab’s, because Schwab’s pays better and does the work cheaper than the average shop. Plus let your average “Commission Paid” Mechanic get his hands on your car and watch him “Pad” the bill! Right Mr Mechanic! In Boise I guarantee you many of the Big Shops encourage Mechanics to Pad the bill, or move on! If a Schwab employee does that, He or She will be talking to himself while walking around searching for another job. Les Schwab’s demands honesty and integrity. If you do anything dishonest or immoral on or off the job, your gone. I agree with the person above who says we should learn how to maintain our cars. Amen! Well I can, I’ve worked in a Repair shop and can do the work myself. So I know if your taking you vehicle to shop ??? for repairs and you don’t know the people there personally, take the car to Schwab’s instead. They have the training, reputation, and a code the founder started that says your work will be done right and honestly period! And If you do have a problem, call Schwab’s in Prineville Oregon and see how long it takes for your problem to go away. PS: Its not the Canadians stealing our tires, the thieves are from down south! Ha! Ha!
Agreed. I take my car to Scwabby’s when I can’t do something myself. Just this morning dropped off my Catera as I could not get a tie rod off. They even used my replacement tie rod, and I know they were not supposed to. They have always done well by me.
Professional Engineer
Sorry Craig, your idealistic view of LS is a little off. I worked for Schwab for 19 years and have seen the co. top to bottom. First of all, they used to be a great co. when Les was alive. Now he and his family have died off and all the things he had set in stone for the future of the co. employees have been set aside by the corporate dudes in control. He always had experienced tire guys in charge of the company, now it’s a coffee guy, a sneaker guy and a lawyer. From people within, I’ve been told the troops are becoming demoralized and the company is completely different. Contrary to your thinking, air guns and compressors never were and cannot be set to put lug nuts on with the right torque. Also, through my years I saw heads roll in the company and promotions occur to others who engaged in the same behavior. It all depended on who’s buddy you were. Bald faced lying by those at the top of the food chain after Les was absent was not unusual. The majority of the employees are great people. However, the company is not the helpful entity it used to be but now is just like all the other chains that Les hated and outdid.
my husband works at l.s. and he works his but off and so do the employees and managers. you all need to quit complaining. they works 10-12 hours of overtime a week just to make sure you all have tires on and they use air wrenches to get the job done seeing how hundreds go their daily. i would like to see some of you go do their job for one day and see how you fair. these are honest hard working people who are trying to make an honest living just like you all. use your complaints for something constructive like getting drug dealers off the streets not people who work hard to provide you all with safe tires and brakes.