Exciting things are afoot at Hall of Records (3342 SE Belmont).
That’s right, they have an address!
In couple more months they’ll be opening the doors to Portland’s only boutique vinyl shop, coffeehouse & beer bar specializing in Soul, Funk, Jazz & Rare Groove!
Our friends Katie and Justin have been working to build their dream for a couple years now.
About a year ago they threw a record sale and dj party at It’s a Beautiful Pizza on SE Belmont. Little did they know (though they had an inkling) that a year later they’d sign a lease and get their own set of keys to that very same building, and would begin tearing out the carpet and taping out a location for the bar.
Their adventure has been a little like climbing Beacon Rock, which we climbed with them last March.
(That’s them to the right, on one of about a zillion non-metaphorical steep switchbacks.)
It’s a long way to the top, but they’re almost there. Go read about their adventures building their record store, coffeehouse & bar dream at the Hall of Records blog, and make sure to also visit Justin’s Dusty Nuggets for soulfunkjazz world/breaks 45s and random heat, and an idea of what to expect in the music department at a brick and mortar Hall of Records, coming soon to 3342 SE Belmont in Beautiful Portland, Oregon.
Did It’s a Beautiful Pizza close down or are they just leasing space?
Garrett – It’s A Beautiful Pizza is closed. Hall of Records is leasing half the building from the guy who just bought the building. Plans for other half of the building aren’t too clear, but may include recording and/or performance space and a restaurant.
Thanks for the love, Dave!! Can’t wait for you to come see it!!
Anyone remember “Birdland Jazz” the jazz shop next to the downtown library? It moved down to Hawthorn then… gone.
The guy who ran that shop was an amazing resource for Jazz. He helped me find some of my best albums.
Nick – I remember Birdland Jazz, the location by the library. Hall of Records will have jazz of the soulful and funky variety!