Update: Pelada‘s run at Portland’s Hollywood Theater (4122 NE Sandy) has been extended – it will run from Friday, July 23rd – Thursday, July 29th!
Pelada, a film about soccer away from the bright light and manicured field, will be screening in Portland at the Hollywood Theater (4122 NE Sandy) from July 9th through the 16th.
Christopher Clarey writes about the film in the New York Times:
Soccer is ever more the global game, and that is not only because of the expanding reach of the professional variety, with its Messis and Ronaldos and the World Cup finals looming larger on the horizon.
It is global because at any given moment, some group of friends or strangers is chasing a ball across the dirt, grass, sand or cement with no paying public to validate it.
“All over the world there are games you never hear about,” Luke Boughen says in the new film Pelada.
The quest to find and find meaning in those games is the focus of this documentary brimming with energy and optimism that was made by four Americans, three of whom were once collegiate soccer players.
Read the rest: Joining the Global Game Wherever It’s Played.
The Friday, July 9th Portland debut of the film features a post-film Q&A session with film director and subject Gwendolyn Oxenham.
$1 of each ticket will be donated to the sports initiatives of Mercy Corps, a Portland based organization dedicated to alleviating suffering, poverty and oppression by helping people build secure, productive and just communities.
NEW Pelada Trailer from Rebekah Fergusson on Vimeo.
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