Cascade Brewing presents this year’s Saison Festival on Saturday, May 7, 2011 at the Cascade Brewing Barrel House (939 SE Belmont) from noon until 10pm.
We’ve got 18 Saison ales and ciders lined up from across the nation, including Block 15 (Hatter’s Riddle), Boulevard (Tank 7), Brasserie Dupont (Saison Dupont), Breakside (Breakside Amarillo Saison), Buckman Village (La Petite Morte Dark Saison), Cascade (Saison de la Maison, Saison Fume, Saison Minuit & Saison 10), Double Mountain (Bon Idee Vintage), Green Dragon Project (Thai-son), Oakshire (Frederic’s Lost Arm), Stillwater Artisan (Existent, Cellar Door & Stateside Saison), The Bruery (Saison de Lente), Two Rivers Cider (Cider Saison) & Upright (#5 Hoppy Saison).
Featuring live music by Black Lodge and Left Coast Country, this beer fest is free to enter! To sample bring a standard issue 14 oz plastic festival mug from your vast beer-fest collection (no glass!), or purchase a Cascade Brewing tasting mug for $3. Four ounce samples are $1 and a full mug sets you back $4 (some kegs may require double-tokens).
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