Climb aboard the 2011 Holiday Express, beginning Friday, December 2.
Join Santa Claus and his elves for a magical ride behind Portland’s famous steam locomotives. Vintage rail cars transport you through wilderness in the heart of the city. Roundtrip rides run from Oaks Park Station through Oaks Bottom Wildlife Refuge to the Springwater Trail gateway on the Oregon Pacific Railroad.
The Oregon Pacific Railroad operated trains depart Oaks Park Station for a 40 minute ride along the river. Somehow Santa Claus finds the time to make an appearance on each train!
There are six train rides on Fridays, December 2 and 9, and nine rides Saturdays and Sundays, December 3, 4, 10, and 11. For more details, including ticket information, visit the Oregon Rail Heritage Foundation website.
Buy your tickets in advance! Proceeds from the tours go to help build a new engine house and the Rail Heritage Center in the OMSI District for Portland’s historic steam locomotives.
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