John Ronald Reuel Tolkien‘s birthday is actually January 3rd, but the McMenamins’ 2012 J.R.R. Tolkien Birthday Celebration takes place this Saturday, January 14 at the Kennedy School (5736 NE 33rd).
Elves, wizards, ents, orcs and all others are welcome to join us for this celebration of one of the 20th century’s most influential authors. We’ll have kids’ fun, live music, performances by Willamette Radio Workshop, the entire “Lord of the Rings” trilogy in the Theater, Hobbit-inspired food specials and more! Come in costume to compete for prizes.
The celebration begins at 11am and the live music starts at 7pm. It’s free to get in, but organizers ask you to bring a canned food donation for the Oregon Food Bank.
Find more information, including the film schedule, visit the event page.
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