UPDATE: The contest is over; and a winner has been selected. I will announce the winner once I have successfully contacted him or her. Thanks!
On Saturday, July 17th 2010, I’ll be dressed in grey slacks and a long sleeve white shirt, probably sweating in sweltering heat, at an undisclosed location on Sauvie Island; one of my best friends is getting married. I’ve known the guy since first grade. I don’t think I can get out of it 😉
But my obligation is your gain – I have a pair of tickets I can’t use to the Portland Timbers friendly against Manchester City at Merlo Field on the campus of the University of Portland, on the same day.
Merlo Field is tiny, so as you probably already know, tickets to this match are exclusively available to season ticket holders. Behold, I am a full-season ticket holder, and I possess a pair of Game C tickets. And I want to give these two tickets to you.
The mechanics of this contest are simple:
- Leave a comment below* before midnight (Portland, Oregon time) on Saturday, June 26th
- In the comment tell us who your favorite Portland Timbers player is (a player on the roster as of the date you post your comment)
- On Sunday, June 27th I will randomly draw a name from the pool of commenters who followed the rules above
After the drawing I will deliver the tickets to the winner. (Hopefully at a Timbers match before July 17th, but I will Fedex or mail the tickets if necessary.)
* You do not need to use your real name when you comment, but you must leave a valid email address so that I can contact you if you win. I won’t use the email addresses for anything else. Ever. Also, don’t panic (or re-comment obsessively) if your comment does not appear instantly; the first comment per email address goes into moderation. I will try to approve them in a timely manner.
Good luck!
Ian Joy
NiiiiiMooooooo NiiiiiiiMoooooo; becausee he rocks the NiMo-hawk
I don’t know any timbers players but I would like to attend my first match and bring my daughter. Can I still be considered? Thanks.
Favorite timber? Tough call but my gut says Tony McManus!
Alex Nimo
My favorite player is Bright Dike!
Alex Nimo. Niiiiiiimmoooooo.
No question it’s Matt Pyzdrowski.
Got to be Ian Joy wicked defender!
My favorite Timber player is Ryan Pore!
Alex Nimo
Takayuki Suzuki
My heart says Scot.
Alex Nimo’s my pick
ALEX NIMO!!!!!!!
Steve Cronin!
Timber Joey of course!
Hope you have fun at the wedding!
My favorite player is Alex Nimo.
Ryan Pore!
rope yarn! ahem, i mean ryan pore
Steve Cronin
Ryan Pore
Ryan Pore
I will offer a favorite on behalf of @cooking asshole: Brian Farber. No one can outrun that dude. NO ONE. And he like, flies through the air with his orange shoes and like, kicks stuff.
Um, I would have to say Alex Nimo. Trying to drag the guy off the field is highlight of the season so far.
Alex Nimo. Benson represent!
I <3 Stephen Keel.
As the friend who caused your distress, I can swiftly relieve you of your obligation on the 17th.
Timber Jim count? if not Takayuki Suzuki
Ian Joy, Superstar
Stephen Keel
Cronin. I have a soft spot for keeps 🙂
Steve Cronin. #0!!
After yesterday, it’s Ryan Pore!
Alex Nimo
This is hard. I have 4 favorites! I would have to say, as of this very moment, it would have to be Dike as he made my heart sing at last week’s match against Kitsap….
Ryan Pore..
Sorry, drawing for tickets already occurred!
Brian Umony
My boys play varsity soccer at Sprague High School and would love to see the game.
Go Timbers
@Shortcake – this contest was *last* summer . . . but stay tuned: more tickets giveaways to come this year!