TriMet Diaries, a new site for sharing the inevitably amusing, amazing, and horrifying tales gleaned by riding public transit in the Portland metropolitan area, has launched!
I was inspired to create the site after I stumbled upon Muni Diaries, which bills itself as a place to share and read rider tales and news about the sometimes crappy, sometimes efficient, but essential public-transit system of San Francisco. I could relate, and I was delighted by the stories and photographs submitted by San Francisco Municipal Railway (Muni) riders.
Portland metro area transit riders already have available a surprising variety of transit blogs and websites, including the excellent (and recommended) Portland Afoot, PDX’s 10-minute newsmagazine on buses, bikes & low-car life, which encompasses a magazine, a blog, and a wiki. The Portland Afoot magazine sports a regular feature called Only On The Bus, where riders write in with their favorite bus stories. TriMet Diaries aspires to be a similar venue.
I invite you to stop by and peruse the (evolving) website, and please contribute if you have a story to share.
Follow TriMet Diaries on Twitter for the latest updates and stories.
This is great! I am honored to have inspired.
Very cool! Good luck! It’s been harder and harder for me to keep any content up-to-date on TriMetiquette (basically due to working a lot, other personal stuff keeping me away from blogging, etc.) but the more Portland public transportation content, the better!
Thanks Michael and Christian – both your projects were inspirations!