A whiff of varnish, not the bar-y spice of cigarette smoke, greets us as we enter the new Virginia Cafe (820 SW 10th Ave).
On Monday the bar moved from its old (since 1922!) space on Park. Thursday we needed a beer.
The new location is smaller. The bar is on the left now. The booths, almost snug-like, are the same as before (including the broken off coat hooks). Natural light, not filtered through gossamer smoke, permeates the new space; larger windows face west and command a view of wide 10th Avenue, passing streetcars, and the pale facade of the Central Library. The restrooms, in the back past the lottery machines, are still clean.
The menu, service, and drinks, however, are all, comfortingly, the same.
I like the new VC. It’s more convenient; I’m at the library a lot more often than Nordstrom’s.