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Archives for August 2012
Anniversary dinner w/ @mile73 at A Cena
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Labor Day Picnic at Oaks Park (3-September-2012)
Oregon was the first state to officially recognize the Labor Day holiday in 1887, and Labor Day picnics are a long time tradition throughout the state.
The largest local union picnic, which an estimated 20,000 people attended last year, is the Northwest Oregon Labor Council‘s Labor Day Picnic held Monday, September 3 at Oaks Amusement Park from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m.
Buy scrip for hamburgers, hotdogs, soda, and beer. Play bingo, listen to speeches by elected officials (including Senator Jeff Merkley from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m.), and go on the rides. The American Red Cross will be collecting blood donations at two mobile units.
Visit the Northwest Oregon Labor Council website for more information.
Pretty morning #pdx
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Portland Pirate Festival 2012
The seventh annual Portland Pirate Festival invades Historic St. Helens, Oregon again year, on Saturday and Sunday, September 1 and 2, 2012.
PORTLAND PIRATE FESTIVAL is an annual family-oriented event that promotes fun and education through Historical Re-enactment, Music, Dance, and interactive Theater; while providing increased cultural awareness and philanthropic involvement to charitable organizations in the community.
The fest features pirate-themed and non-pirate-themed music, dance and performance, tall ships, stuff for kids, the marauders market, and of course there is grub and grog!
The aaarrrs and blimeys begin at 10 a.m. both days, and continue until midnight Saturday and 10 p.m. Sunday.
Tickets can be acquired at the gate, via Brown Paper Tickets, or at select local retailers.