Zombotica: Zombies vs. Robots takes place this Saturday, March 13th at Dante’s (1 SW 3rd).
It won’t be the end of the world. It will be better.
PDX.FM is behind this event, which promises to blow your mind and your circuits. Come dressed as a zombie or a robot. Tickets are $10, and the price treats you to an extravaganza: five bands, boxing matches, contests, a live broadcast, and costumes!
The boxing matches? That’s you in a bouncy boxing ring, and you may also get the opportunity to duke it out with the likes of Cort Webber of the Cort and Fatboy radio show and Emily Gibson of PDX.FM’s The Meat Show.
The show is a benefit for American Red Cross: attendees are encouraged to bring small items such as toothbrushes, crayons, markers, coloring books, travel-size umbrellas, water bottles, etc. – anything that can be given to people in need of disaster relief.
You and Heather are going right? right!? If you are….here’s a question…what side are you on? Zombie or Robot?
Hmmm. I like technology and the promise of the future. As opposed to undead smelly things.
Sabrina – I don’t think it’s in the stars that we’ll attend. However, I think robots would win in a battle between zombies and robots. I prefer, however, that neither become a problem.
Well dang it! No worries…thanks for your support in what we do though Dave. It’s much appreciated! #zombiesrule