Sadly, Portland Sucks, has nearly run its course. The final show airs Friday, May 7th 2010 (live at 8am on!)
Portland Sucks debuted as a blog back in 2008. On January 29th, 2009 a weekly internet radio show was launched under the moniker, hosted by Robert Wagner and Sabrina Miller. The show drew enough interest after only two weeks that they decided to make it a daily show, and since then it has aired almost every weekday morning at 8am.
There are tons of great shows on and, but Portland Sucks is/was my favorite, and has provided some epic rants and entertainment in its year and a half run. The show also holds some special memories for me. Last July the show’s listeners picked my humble blog as their favorite Portland blog! And in February, after literally weeks of polite invites, wrangling, and finally kidnapping threats 😉 from Robert and Sabrina, I made my radio debut second radio appearance ever as a guest on Portland Sucks episode 229.
So on behalf of all Portland Sucks fans, I want to thank Robert and Sabrina for a thoroughly entertaining show and congratulate them on a fantastic run!
Robert is being coy about his future radio presence, but no doubt announcements will be made soon (perhaps during the final show?). You can continue to hear Sabrina on multiple programs: Convention Crashers, the Nerd Report, iPhoneSlutz, and soon, iPadSlutz!
The Portland Sucks archive will remain online at until June 1st, so get them while you can!
Your radio debut on Portland Sucks?! I beg to differ, sir! You and Heather came in a full week *before* the Portland Sucks broadcast to be recorded for Savor Portland, so there.
Sorry Devlyn – I’m bad with chronology! Fixed the post. My debut, of course, was on your show: the first episode of Savor Portland!
I’m going to miss this show too. Someday, I’ll be able to say “Oh, I was listening to PDX.FM back when they had PDX Sucks.” They did a great job promoting local creative projects (including my movie) and I discovered a lot of cool Portland things from their show.
I was on PDX Gen-Y after Sabrina mentioned by blog as one of her favorites. We are an incestuous bunch, we new media types, aren’t we?
Yes….yes, we are. Thoroughly incestuous. (This space reserved for future relevant announcement…)