Again this year the star attraction at the Portland celebration of National Train Day was the SP 4449, which used to pull the Southern Pacific Coast Daylight coaches from LA to Portland. It’s one of three locomotives owned by the city of Portland (visit the Oregon Rail Heritage Foundation website for more information about the other locomotives and learn about the foundation’s efforts to build a permanent home for these historical locomotives and other rolling stock).
Also, like last year, the weather was gorgeous.
Heather abandoned me this weekend, so I was traveling solo, armed only with my iPhone for taking photos. So unfortunately I did not get any decent ones of the displays and activities inside Union Station. However, there was plenty to see outside.
Like tigers mauling children!
And trains and crowds.
And did I mention it was a beautiful day?
Nice day! I’m sitting in a spa in Las Vegas after being mauled by a stout Korean woman. My top layer of skin is missing.