The 11th annual Mississippi Avenue Street Fair takes place Saturday, July 14, 2012 from 10 a.m. until 9 p.m. on Mississippi Avenue from Skidmore to Fremont.
The annual Mississippi Ave. Street Fair is a community-building event that celebrates the neighbors, businesses and organizations that make their home in the Mississippi Avenue neighborhood. The event honors history and tradition while embracing diversity and sustainability.
The event is brought to you by the Historic Mississippi Ave Business Association (HMBA) & the Boise Neighborhood Association (BNA). A portion of the proceeds goes to Boise-Eliot Elementary and the Boise Business Youth Unity Project.
There’s a Craft Beer Garden, food carts, and other great restaurants.
Five stages feature dozens of bands throughout the day.
And of course over 100 local vendors will be on hand offering their wares, causes, and notions.
Read my posts about previous Mississippi street fairs to see how much fun it is: Mississippi Avenue Street Fair 2010, 2009, and 2008.
Visit the Mississippi Ave website for the press release, fact sheet, entertainment schedule, and more, and see you on July 14th, 2012 on Mississippi!
Hi! We attended the last several street fairs and I believe the one last year had a vendor who made dresses out of repurposed sports tee shirts and jerseys. Ring a bell? I can’t remember the name but if I saw it in a list I could pick it out for sure. Do you happen to have a list of last year’s venders posted somewhere? Thanks!