I’m a coffee drinker. Black. Maybe once a year I’ll have a not-too-sweet mocha, no whip.
But heading to work the other day, suffering from a summer cold, I craved something hot and sweet and spicy, so I stopped in at the Coffee Crutch (1023 SW Yamhill St.).
The barista gives me a choice: the ubiquitous Oregon Chai or Dragonfly Chai . . .
“What’s the difference?”
“Dragonfly Chai is spicier. “
It tastes as one would expect; of tea and cardamom and cinnamon and ginger. But it’s spicy, much spicier, and less sweet than other chais, and delicious. I won’t wait to catch a cold to try another cup.
Later I found out it’s a small local company, and in general I like to support local companies, so there you go.
Oh, this is wonderful news. I like Oregon Chai over other options we have around here, but I’m going to keep my eye out for Dragonfly!
Sadly… can’t get it in my town yet.
I recently tried Dragonfly as well and it’s great. Spicier and not as sweet. I’m also glad it’s an Oregon company when it turns out Oregon Chai isn’t!