Editor and Publisher reports that Scarborough Research has determined that Austin, Texas is number one and Portland is number two in percentage of adults that are bloggers.
Fifteen percent of adults in Austin are bloggers, and they are 78 percent more likely than the national average to be in this consumer group. Fourteen percent of Portland adults are bloggers; followed by San Francisco and Seattle, with 13 percent of adults blogging in these cities. Nationally, eight percent of all consumers are bloggers.
I’m not sure what to make of this. You can get the PDF report here.
I find their definition of “blogger” somewhat amusing, though–at the foot of the last page, they define a blogger as someone who’s contributed to or read a blog in the last 30 days.
Not to split hairs, but to me a blogger is someone who creates and/or contributes to a blog–not someone who reads it.
That being noted, I don’t know if that observation really changes things all that much, nor does it stop me from being smug about being in such a wired town.
Wow – that is sweet…
always the bridesmaid, never the bride…