Portland Ground is a good place to start, but the 2nd bloggiest city in the country also hosts many other fine photo blogs (phlogs?).
I’ve compiled a list of some of my favorites below, with brief descriptions.
Blue Ruin
A Portland photo blog.
Sly slices and bits of buildings with prominent sky. Portland grays and earthy colors predominate, yet there is a brightness to the photos. Occasional portraits, usually with similar background elements.
PDX around
“It makes me sad because I’ve never seen such – such beautiful shirts before.”
F. Scott Fitzgerald
A glimpse into the fashion world. Portland’s beautiful people.
Pin-ups from Portland
(despite the word pin-up there is only occasional nudity)
No common theme, just lots of photos of things, places, and people. There used to be lots of cat photos, but thankfully that has subsided.
Portland Building Ads
Close-ups and across-the-street contemporary photos, frequently juxtaposed with decade old photos of the same signs and buildings.
Portland (OR) Daily Photo
An individual’s part in the global City Daily Photo Blog
Periodic changes of theme. Some of the best fall leaf photos I’ve seen. I especially like this one.
Mama & Me from PDX
Same photographer and some of the same photos as above, but also some exclusives.
Honorable Mentions
Portland Hamburgers
I’ve mentioned it before as a food blog, but also a collection of hamburger and other food photos from Portland and beyond.
true stories: life in portland
I used to like this one for its almost daily postings and amazing variety, but alas, it hasn’t been updated since August, and the last photo is of a squished squirrel.
cpmcd2000 says
I just started one too!
Brian Duval says
I spent most of my last 4 months making these designs for Portland and it’s neighborhoods.
But this “People’s Republic of Portland” T has been the most popular by far. (the black long sleeve)