That’s the speculation in the the City Room blog on the New York Times website.
The chain was not giving anything away about its New York plans, if it has them. Matt Lounsbury, Stumptown’s director of operations, said: “We’ve had discussions, but nothing’s solidified. Our eyes are open for opportunities, but so far our expansion is mostly focused on the Pacific Northwest.”
Sounds like the deal might hinge upon whether there’s enough space for a roastery, as Stumptown’s policy is that the beans must be roasted no more than 45 minutes from the serving location.
veganfabulous says
I am so torn by this! I want Stumptown to be as successful as possible but I hate the idea of sharing them with another city!
nborders says
Let the “yorkers” have their coffee. Just make sure they know where the quality came from (or where the quality recipe).