Obviously, take all of this with a grain of salt, but I do have confidence in my sources.
New Turf?
New turf has long been on the Timbers players, opponents, and fans’ wish list. 2008 may be the year the wish is fulfilled. From a bullet point in a Kerry Eggers column in September:
PGE Park’s worn artificial surface will be replaced in the next two years. The Portland Timbers have heard that it will happen by next season.
The New Turf thread on SoccerCityUSA has more evidence and discussion.
Thirsty Thursdays
Be prepared for a lot more Friday morning hangovers in 2008. My sources tell me the majority of the Timbers regular season matches in 2008 will be Thirsty Thursday matches. I weep for the jobs that require our services Friday mornings in the Spring.
MLS Player Signings
After the new year, many MLS contracts expire. There are rumors the Timbers have their sights on one or more MLS veterans.
The front office must have done some research on beer sales relative to which day the game is on, vis-a-vis having the Beavers or Timbers in the park. For the past two seasons I have maybe bought one beer on a day that wasn’t called Thursday; but on that lovely thirsty day I generally buy between 2 and 4 beers per game.
Not sure what the effect is on Beavers games, but I know a few hundred other die-hard Timbers fans whose beer purchasing tendencies mirror my own. Both teams get the same backwards ball cap tourists whenever the cheap beer comes out, and I don’t think it matters which sport is being played.
Yay cheap!
Lucas – Yeah, seems like more Thirsty Thursday games is a no brainer. I’m dreading Fridays though.
Actually, the beer sales revenue isn’t all that different because of commission structures, but the attendance is much larger so the revenue from the gate is larger.
Not to mention that there are people who go to the games just because it is Thirsty Thursday. I know because I used to be one of them!
Instead of having to “protect” the field, An artificial turf field can be expected to last years beyond manufacturer’s warranty