Philip Busse, a visiting professor at St. Olaf College in Minnesota, a Portland Mercury writer, and former Portland mayoral candidate, has been charged with misdemeanor theft for stealing political lawn signs. He has resigned from the college.
His highly amusing account of his foray into a life of crime can be found at the Huffington Post: Confessions of a Lawn Sign Stealer.
Sure, I understand that stealing a sign will not change anyone’s mind, and, most likely, will only embolden McCain supporters’ disdain for liberals. Even so, yanking out the signs and running like a scared rabbit back to my idling car was one of the single most exhilarating and empowering political acts that I have ever done.
Update: The Willy Week, natch, reported on this yesterday: You Stay Classy, Phil Busse: Portland Editor Stealing McCain Yard Signs in Minnesota. And the update today: Ex-Merc Editor Phil Busse Cashes In As Publicly Financed Campaign Manager (Updated).
dieselboi says
yeah, wasn’t he the writer who had to step down due to plagiarism?
From a trib article:
“A few years ago, Jaquiss nailed him for plagiarism on a first-person story about a prison boxing match that, as it turned out, Busse did not attend. Just last week, Busse made the pages of Willie Week again for his enthusiastic review (“tiptop food” and “swanky service”) of the chic new Gotham Bldg. Tavern. Only problem: The Gotham Bldg. Tavern doesn’t open till Saturday.”
Dave says
dieselboi – Ah, so this isn’t the only time he’s been in the midst of controversy. I have enjoyed some of his writings . . . I wonder what will become of him . . .
Adron says
Wow. That guy…
…is just rather…
…lame. How pathetic. Plagiarism AND theft? WTF.