Portland has experienced foggy mornings the past few weeks. Fog in the Portland area is not extraordinary, but it has been unusually dense and persistent; it was even dense enough Sunday morning to screw up air travel.
Photographers enjoy the fog a lot more than airline pilots. I’ve noticed, in particular, that local bloggers with cameras especially like the fog; and in particular Portland’s bridges in the fog. There’s something about the almost black-and-white stark silhouettes of the bridges in fog that makes you reach for your camera.
I wish I had one.
These fine local bloggers, however, do have cameras:
- Foggy Hawthorne Bridge, at Mike Vogel’s blog
- St Johns in the Fog, at More Hockey Less War
- Interstate Bridge in the Fog, at Project 365
- A photographer’s tips on shooting in the fog, including another shot of the Hawthorne Bridge, at toplproject.
- fog, hawthorne bridge at cyclotram
- Also at cyclotram, a gravel barge in the fog, which includes shots of the Marquam, Ross Island (barely), Hawthorne again, and the Morrison
- The Marquam and the Morrison, at babelblogs
- The Marquam (and a glimpse of the Ross Island) at So It Goes
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