February 28: Timbers Army to march on City Hall February 25, 2009 by Dave 5 Comments Visit SoccerCityUsa.com for more details.
Steve says February 25, 2009 at 9:01 am I wish I was in Portland, I’d totally be there!!! Take some pictures for us!
Devlyn says February 26, 2009 at 9:55 am I’ll be there with the camera. Hopefully it won’t rain on us.
Patrick says February 27, 2009 at 8:52 am Having listened to the public testimony this week, might I suggest a coalition sign? Yes MLS Yes Fair Wages Happy workers pour better beer
Kip says February 27, 2009 at 4:02 pm We’ll be coming, we’ll be coming, we’ll be coming down the road…. See you all Saturday!!
I wish I was in Portland, I’d totally be there!!! Take some pictures for us!
I’m out of the country or I’d be there. Go, Timbers!
I’ll be there with the camera. Hopefully it won’t rain on us.
Having listened to the public testimony this week, might I suggest a coalition sign?
Yes Fair Wages
Happy workers pour better beer
We’ll be coming, we’ll be coming, we’ll be coming down the road….
See you all Saturday!!