There’s a new blog in town, the Portland Sportsman which aspires to provide a new form of independent coverage to match the city’s vibrant sporting scene. From backyard tournaments to major-league stadia, we strive to capture the enthusiasm and creativity of athletic Portland at every level. In a post published yesterday Zach Dundas has surely captured the enthusiasm and creativity of the Portland Timbers fandom. Here is an excerpt:
Much has been said about the machinations behind the expansion process: some informed criticism; some informed defense; much blather from the usual local know-nothings. Less has been said about what elevation to MLS means for the vibrant, homegrown micro-culture of the Timbers and the broader metropolitan culture of Portland. Leaving aside the gnarly financial and political details, the Timbers’ rise caps a remarkable little episode in local history, and begins a new one. For those of us who have followed the team, to one degree or another, since its modern-day launch in 2001, it’s an emotional moment. Yes, we’re going up. What does it mean?
Read the rest: The Town Team: The Timbers, Portland, The Future
Over at the redoubtable Loaded Orygun, Torrid Joe discusses with city commissioner Randy Leonard the MLS deal, in particular the machinations of the Trailblazers and county commissioner Wheeler. Leonard also displays wisdom with regards to the predictable diatribes of some local bloggers and the majority of commenters on local news site, or at least that’s how I interpreted this:
I just learned in the business that I do, that there’s a small, vocal group of people who get up every morning angry. And when they’re angry about something, you’re not going to talk them out of it. If you answer that question, then they’ll have another and another, and it doesn’t end.
More: Randy Leonard Talks MLS, Blazers, Wheeler w/ Loaded O. The interview audio is available to download too.
torridjoe says
Thanks for the link! Randy always gives good quote, and it was nice for him to give me the time.
McAngryPants says
No hockey section on PortlandSportsman? Bah!
bop says
I find it hysterical that Randy Leonard, of all people, is waxing poetic about people that wake up angry. Pot meet kettle.
The facts are that the city did not include PPS and the County in these talks about MLS with regards to urban renewal, until the last minute. Randy may think he’s king of taxpayer money but he’s not. Surprise, everyone should be at the table, not just those who support your ideas!
Randy, despite years of bullying and little accountability while on the City Council, has very little in his background to give any substantial reason to trust his understanding of economics. I’m not dissing firemen but please, it’s not part of their education to study econ, business or anything of the like and Randy is certainly no exception. If he was, perhaps we would have seen a little more oversight over things like the tram.
I applaud you for being excited about MLS but lauding Randy L’s embarrassing behavior or taking him at his word for *anything*, isn’t intelligent; it’s shameful. He uses the media to bash people and he lies and misleads. To use one of his favorite words, he’s disingenuous.
I don’t expect you to publish this and if you do, I fully expect you to attempt to make fun of my post because, as I’ve seen, many Timbers fans think that’s the way to win their arguments. A true winner has grace in winning and I’ve seen very little of that with MLS. I’m not going to bother C&Ping what I’ve seen from Timbers fans on various blogs because it’s not worth repeating all of the drivel.
Rather than getting all excited about Randy Leonard, you’d do a lot more for your cause to tell those in the Timbers Army that are behaving like him (arrogant and nasty) to at least try to sound smart and literate; they are making the rest of you look bad.
Dave says
torridjoe – No problem; the interview was enlightening.