Nifty promotional video for United Streetcar, subsidiary of Oregon Iron Works, and only manufacturer of modern streetcars in the country.
by Dave 2 Comments
Nifty promotional video for United Streetcar, subsidiary of Oregon Iron Works, and only manufacturer of modern streetcars in the country.
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Steve R. says
Got a chuckle over all the big “MADE IN USA” hype, with the narrator intoning (buried somewhere in the middle) “over 60%” of the components are made in the US. (Probably about the same for a Chevy, I suppose.)
Also, on the their site’s FAQ, “Streetcars operate on electric lines, not fossil fuels….” As if electricity just magically appears in those electric lines! (Powered by 60% non-coal energy!)
In all seriousness, it is great to assemble these pups here rather than in Europe. I just wish we’d use them to solve transportation problems rather than as subsidies to high-end commercial real estate developers.
Streetcar Steve says
What an interesting fable this is…
Government(taxpayers)money given to a munitions company to make a local “US” streetcar – which is simply is a replicate of the Czechoslovakian Skoda 1980’s original model – using imported “original manufacturer’s parts”.
Did anyone mention that only one car has been built, and it has not entered public service because it doesn’t work properly…
Mmmm maybe the company should apply for another taxpayer handout to try and make it work…. what do you think Rick?