The message Are You Good Without God? Millions Are. will be appearing on ten TriMet buses for at least the next month.
Something tells me this campaign won’t be as controversial in Portland as in some other cities.
The Portland Area Coalition of Reason, with help from the national group, United Coalition of Reason, has purchased ad space on 10 buses in Portland. Similar ads will also be appearing on transit vehicles in New York City, Philadelphia, and Boston, and on billboards in Chicago, Newark, San Diego, and three cities in Ohio.
The campaign is coordinated with the release of the book Good Without God: What a Billion Nonreligious People Do Believe by Greg Epstein, the humanist chaplain at Harvard University. (He will be speaking about the book at Reed College on Thursday, November 19th.)
The Portland Coalition of Reason is a collection of non-theist groups in the Portland area, all of which are comfortable with people expressing skepticism, atheism, humanism, freethought, or other similar views, and exploring issues of the day based on reason and critical thought rather than religious dogma.
Hat tip to the Friendly Atheist
Heather says
The atheists are coming! The atheists are coming! Hide your women and children!
Dave says
Heather – We’re really not that bad (well, other than that we eat babies).
Heather says
Hmmm. Delicious babies. I like mine extra chubby please. Nom nom nom.
RobertWagner says
Hold the cheese on mine please.
mike says
Not offended by the ads but the tri-met will pretty much run any add on their buses, is that Fred Meyer ad still on there about ‘getting fired for one mistake’.
I want to take out an ad as a tribute to the old band ‘Negativeland’ who had a t-shirt that said “Christianity is Stupid, Give Up” and run it on the bus line through Beaverton.
hvalentin says
yeah no offended at all. im catholic and it doesnt bug me nor would i let it. its true to someone else but not to me so its not going to sway me. people should stop being so sensitive. i’m pretty sure any one could make a more offensive one if they wanted to.
ksking says
these ads have just starting running in my city (fort worth, tx) and the controversy is off and running. several area ministers have announced a boycott of the buses. what’s everyone so afraid of?