It should come as no surprise that Soccer City USA is a hotbed of soccer blogging (and Twittering). In 2011, as the Timbers joined Major League Soccer, a whole new crop of Timbers Blogs sprouted. Behold below, the definitive (updated 11-April-2011) list (i.e. let me know if I overlooked any) of Portland soccer blogs; not blogs about Portland soccer, but rather blogs about soccer written by Portlanders.
(Special thanks to Mao’s Football, Hammer in the 503, and The World is Round for help in compiling this list.)
* Indicates a blog that is possibly defunct, or as I prefer to think of it – on hiatus.
Mao’s Football the World of Football According to Mao (@maofootball)
Soccer Watcher Portland, MLS, World & NW Football Culture (@soccer_watcher)
It’s My Sodden Pitch soccer in Portland & Oregon
The World is Round* A global Soccer Blog (@WorldIsRound)
Honorable mention: Portlander Andrew Guest, has been a semi-regular contributor to non-Portland soccer blog Pitch Invasion
Portland Timbers
Portland Timbers Blog at The Offside
Dropping Timber (@DroppingTimber)
Portland Timbers at Oregonlive (@kipkesgard @JenniferKesgard @rickpdx)
Timberlandia (@TimberBrenaldo)
Timbers Insider (@timbersinsider)
Stumptown Footy (@StumptownFooty) (@timbersarmy)
Mental and Green (@MentalAndGreen)
Northwest Sports Beat: Portland Timbers Clubhouse (The Official Timber Joey Blog (@TimberJoey)
Other Timbers Twitterers of note:
- PortlandTimbers
- TimbersFC (the official Timbers twitter!)
Other Teams and Leagues
Hammer in the 503* For Irons in the US & PDX (@hammerinthe503)
PDX Gooner A site for Arsenal Supporters in Portland, Oregon (@pdxgooner)
Hearts Scottish Premiership Football Blog* Heart of Midlothian FC
Thanks for giving me ‘Honorable mention’ in the general category, and thanks for putting together this list. I’ve been wondering who else in town does this stuff–and have also thought it might be fun at some point to see about getting any local soccer-inclined bloggers together for beers and brainstorming (ideally while watching a game). If there’s any interest?
I hope you are enjoying the Mundial.
I will be teaching ayh a class on the History and Culture of Soccer at PSU this summer, June 22nd- July 15th.
I am looking for guest speakers who could come and share their knowledge and love of the Portland Timbers and/or of the game in other lands.
Please feel free to distribute.
Alon Raab
co-editor of The Global Game: Writers on Soccer,673943.aspx
Dave – you can add my twitter account to the list – kipkesgard – as I will send out updates when I post entries on the O-Live Blog. Thanks, and btw, congrats!
Howdy Kip – Added your twitter account to the listing under the OregonLive Timbers blog!
Can you give a little rundown of each blog? It might help people find what type of blog they’re looking for. Thanks!
Actually working on an updated version of this post – a lot of this stuff is unfortunately outdated now.
Hey Dave!
Thanks for past links to my site posts at Timberlandia! If you don’t mind adding Timberlandia to your blogroll it would be much appreciated. I have a Twitter account, @TimberBrenaldo, but it’s usually, as you say, ‘on hiatus’. I’m much more active on the blog itself and on the Facebook page. Also recently teamed up with Kelly at TimbersInsider and sharing some of my posts there as well.
Brennan aka Brenaldo
Right on, will do!