Last week’s big news was that the City Council sausage factory finally agreed to a soccer deal for PGE Park. Oh, and the unveiling of the Portland MLS Foosball Table!
The big news this week? The goddamn USL1-NASL USSF Division II, 2010 schedule was finally released.
Timbers first team finally has a schedule by Kip Kesgard at
One of the biggest days for Timbers supporters is the day the season schedule is finally released to the public. This wonderful event triggers a mad frenzy by Timbers Army members to schedule time off at their place of employment, either to allow travel to away matches or get an early start in support of the team for weekday matches. While the league turmoil delayed release of the schedule, it has been rumored that the USSF required all teams to pre-pay their league fees before releasing the schedule and a few teams had just recently made their final payments. [More]
Timber Bits – Keita Team of the Week Honor by paulsepp at Dropping Timber
Mandjou Keita is making his mark in the I-league as he received honorable mention for I-League Team of the Week Honors. He has scored four goals in five matches of regular season play. [More]
Timbers sign Haitian midfielder James Marcelin at
PORTLAND, Ore. – The Portland Timbers have signed Haitian National Team midfielder James Marcelin for the 2010 season, it was announced today pending USSF approval. Marcelin played the past two seasons with the Puerto Rico Islanders. [More]
Haiti earthquake close at hand for Timbers’ James Marcelin at The Oregonian
Portland’s newest professional soccer player is far from home.
For James Marcelin of Haiti, this is both good and bad.
“(Haitians) are still very sad — very sad,” Marcelin said. “Even right now, people are still crying in Haiti.” [More]
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