Hope you’re having a great MLK holiday! Below are some activities and events taking place today in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.:
MLK 16mm movie film screening. MLK Day on MLK Blvd.
From facebook page, set up by Thomas Robinson . . .
“ten thousand feet of speeches and documentaries about King and the Civil Rights movement in six hours. FREE, ALL AGES, NO PURCHASE NECESSARY, ALL PEOPLE ARE WELCOME, plenty of chairs and tables. All movies are actual 16mm vintage reels of film, no tapes or discs. ” [more]
Free Admission to the Oregon Zoo on MLK Holiday
The Oregon Zoo, celebrating the spirit of public service associated with Martin Luther King Jr. Day, is offering free admission on Monday, January 17 2011.
“It is the 25th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr. Day and a perfect opportunity for the zoo to provide this service to our community,” said Kim Smith, zoo director.”” [more]
And all week long:
Living the Legacy: MLK Tribute
For the sixth straight year, the Multicultural Center at Portland State University is proud and pleased to hold a series of flagship events honoring the life and legacy of the great Dr. Martin Luther King. Interspersed with teach-ins, video reflections and more, PSU’s dutiful recognition of this remarkable figure is always capped with a contemporary keynote address. [more]
Den Mother says
MLK JR day 2000 was the day the Den Mother met her sweetie. Awww…