Cataclysms on the Columbia: The Great Missoula Floods is the topic of the latest OMSI Science Pub, which takes place on Tuesday, January 18, 2011.
One of the greatest sets of geological events to ever have occurred in North America was the Missoula Floods. Occurring as many as 40 times during the last ice age, the floods were caused by waters released from ancient Lake Missoula that scoured the Columbia River basin, carved out the Columbia River Gorge, and swept across at least 16,000 square miles of the Pacific Northwest. This Science Pub will focus on the incredible story of discovery and development of the idea of the floods by J Harlen Bretz and will discuss the effect of the floods on the landscape of the Willamette Valley and the area around us.
This Science Pub will be presented by Scott Burns, PhD, a geology professor at Portland State University.
The show takes place at the Mission Theater (1624 NW Glisan) from 7pm until 9pm, but arrive early (5pm doors open) to secure your beer, grub, and a seat! There’s a $3.00 suggested donation/cover charge. Minors with adults are welcome, otherwise this event is 21 and over.
There are 3 things I want to do tonight!!!!! Argh!
This event is the front runner…