The Burlingame Fred Meyer (7555 SW Barbur), the oldest store in the chain that is still operating, is undergoing renovations and will be closed until September. The renovation work, ZehnKatzen Times blogger and culture vulture Samuel John Klein notes, has revealed some clues to the building’s design past:
Naturally, having the outside off the way it is, the building has had its skin removed; we’re looking at the bones. It’s more interesting than I thought it would be. For instance, in the above photo, notice the slanting-out faces of the vertical supports. They have details on, some grooves in the masonry that add visual interest, and there are mansard-style caps on each of them.
See more photos and read more of Samuel’s thoughts and comments on the building and the vintage sign (which will be retained post-renovation) in his post: Urban Archaeology at the Burlingame Fred Meyer.
Photo credit: Photo of vintage Burlingame Fred Meyer Sign by Samuel John Klein, used with permission.
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