The Biscuit Fire, one of the largest forest fire in Oregon history, started on July 13, 2002 when lightning strikes ignited several fires in the Kalmiopsis Wilderness.
The boundary of the Biscuit Fire stretches from 10 miles east of the coastal community of Brookings, Oregon; south into northern California; east to the Illinois Valley; and north to within a few miles of the Rogue River.
The fire burned in a mosaic pattern; approximately 20% of the area burned lightly, with less than 25% of the vegetation killed. Another 50% of the area burned very hot, with more than 75% of the vegetation killed. Many acres of critical habitat for wildlife burned, and the late seral and old growth stands that remain are very precious.
[Excerpt from the U.S. Forest Service website.]
Within a month the fires had coalesced into a single huge fire that ultimately burned nearly a half-million acres. Over 7000 fire fighters were engaged in fighting the conflagration, which was finally declared extinguished on December 31.
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