Join Century of Action and the Multnomah County Library this Saturday, November 5, 2011 for a special presentation of Louisa May Alcott: The Woman Behind Little Women.
Louisa May Alcott supported equal rights for women and organized them to vote 40 years before the 19th Amendment was passed in 1920. While Alcott was working hard on the east coast, Oregon women began a 42-year campaign for full voting rights, which they won 8 years before the rest of the nation. Join Kimberly Jensen and the Oregon Suffrage Players in exploring the fascinating history of woman suffrage in Oregon. Turn-of-the-century attire strongly encouraged. Refreshments will be served.
The free presentation begins at 3pm at the U.S. Bank Room in the Central Library (801 SW 10th). Turn-of-the-century attire is encouraged, and refreshments will be served.
Visit the Multnomah County Library website for more information on this, and other Louisa May Alcott programs this month.
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