Seeing Things in a New Light: Infrared Imaging* is the topic of the latest OMSI Science Pub, which takes place Monday, June 6, 2011:
Join us to see the world in a “new light.” John Lester Miller (a.k.a. Dr. Strangephoton) will give an energetic presentation on the history, phenomenology, and applications of infrared imaging. The evening starts with Hershel’s discovery of infrared light in 1800 and traces the fascinating story to modern day astronomy, military, law enforcement, and commercial applications. The talk will be augmented with numerous infrared video clips, images, and a live infrared camera.
The presenter, John Lester Miller, has designed and developed infrared systems for astronomy, commercial, and military applications for three decades. He currently works for Wilsonville based Flir Systems.
This science pub takes place at the Bagdad Theater (3702 SE Hawthorne) from 7pm until 9pm, but arrive early (5pm doors open) to secure your beer, grub, and a seat! There’s a $3.00 suggested donation/cover charge. Minors with adults are welcome, otherwise this event is 21 and over.
* This is a repeat of last July’s Science Pub at the Mission Theater.