On Twitter, I follow a couple hundred people, mostly other Portlanders (the only celebrities I follow are the important ones: Pee-wee Herman, Weird Al Yankovic, and Sarah Silverman). I’m fairly selective. If you have some connection to Portland, are creative or amusing, or if I know you in real life, I’ll probably follow you. If you spam, spout right wing talking points, or your twitterings are just generically irritating, I won’t.
Blogging takes up a lot of time, people! I listen to a few internet radio shows semi–regularly, but otherwise I don’t really listen to radio, or watch TV. I’ve been to two movies in the past two years (both of which I recommend: Religulous and The Waiting List).
So, really, next to good old fashioned web browsing, Twitter is my main source of information on pop culture, local news, and the modern world.
Due to my limited media exposure, my view of what is going on in Portland, and sometimes the world, is a bit skewed. I dare say I live in a Portland Twitter bubble. Below are 10 of these notions (which there’s a good chance you share if you follow a lot of the same Twitterers I do).
- Leverage is the only show on TV
- Local TV news personalities are actually real people. [Some of them are even smart and funny. Who’d a thunk?]
- PDX.FM is the only radio anyone in Portland actually listens too
- Portland has a lot of tech startups [though I don’t know anyone who actually works for any of them]
- Nevertheless, Portland’s economy appears to be based on restaurants [primarily food carts] , beer, and the dramatic arts
- Everyone writes for a blog [usually OurPDX] or produces a podcast [usually on PDX.FM]
- Comic Sans and Papyrus are pure evil
- You can ask the mayor of the city to fix potholes and he responds in the
affirmative - The Trailblazers and the Timbers have about the same following
- Unicorns walk among us
Anyone else have similar notions?
For all I know, some of these may actually be true . . .
11. Each and every Portlander is either brewing beer or making wine in their garage – unless they’re apartment dwellers, in which case they’re using their closet.
Hey! Would *you* like to write for OurPDX as well. We don’t pay anything & aren’t nearly as influential as you might believe, but….(nevermind)
RobertWagner – True! Also brewing 44 Cordial in cupboards.
Betsy – I would *love* to write for OurPDX, if my blog didn’t take up every iota of my free time!
Wait, are you implying there are other shows on TV than Leverage? HERETICK! Run him out to Lake Oswego on a rail!
Mary Sue – I’m implying no such thing 😉 (Though I did hear some Twitter rumblings about something called Lost a few weeks ago, but the rumblings have subsided.)
We all raise chickens and goats. And we’re so over Helvetica: our favorite font in Neutra Face: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHCu28bfxSI
…. Only radio anyone listens to in Portland ?!?! :`(