Portland Soccer Bars is live!
Two of the most popular posts on Dave Knows Portland are Places to watch English (and world) soccer in Portland, and Italian Soccer Viewing in Portland. The inspiration for Portland Soccer Bars began with them.
With the Timbers season and the 2010 World Cup beginning soon, not to mention the Timbers’ “promotion” to MLS in 2011, new Portland area soccer fans will be coming out of the woodwork. And a lot of them won’t know where to watch matches. Portland Soccer Bars aims to help.
Currently each bar (and cafe and restaurant) listing is organized by name, quadrant, and type of establishment. The site is a work in progress though; more categories will be added (type of food? hours?).
I will update pages for sites as I get more or better information, so please, share your updates and opinions – comments are open on each bar’s listing, and there’s a form on the contact page to submit information about new venues. I imagine this summer, during World Cup, a lot of bars that don’t normally show soccer will be jumping on the bandwagon, if only for a few weeks. Portland Soccer Bars will keep track of them too.
Seems churlish — if not inaccurate — to leave out the Bullpen, n’est pas?
Also that place on NW 23rd near Glisan. Can’t recollect name.
And what about places w/Timbers viewing: Rogue, Leisure, St. John’s
Bickle – Ah, I’ll add all those – Thanks! . . . it’s a work in progress!