Update: The 10th and final free code has been given away. Thanks to all who played!
Do you have the Portland Pinball Map App for your iPhone yet? If you live in Portland and play pinball you need this app – it’s slick!
Over 340 pinball machines in over 170 locations in the Portland area (including Vancouver, Washington) are covered.
You can search for machines by location, proximity, or name.
Only interested in places that have four or more machines? Wondering where new machines have shown up recently? The Portland Pinball Map iPhone App can show you.
How would you like a free copy of the app? (Sure, it only costs 99 cents at iTunes, but free is free!)
Well thanks to the ladies of iPhoneSlutz, Dave Knows Portland has 10 iTunes codes to give away, each good for a free copy of the Portland Pinball Map App!
iPhoneSlutz is comprised of three chicks that just love their iPhones and want to share what they think of them. Local PDX.FM hosts, Sabrina Miller, Emily Gibson, and Rose Harding bring you some crazy reviews of some awesome (and not so awesome) iPhone apps, they tell it to you straight with no BS. iPhoneSlutz just recently had the number one iPhone related audio podcast on iTunes and has a global audience, particularly popular in a few European countries and in Australia.
The show airs live on PDX.FM every Wednesday at 3pm and is then archived and available for free download shortly thereafter at the website iPhoneslutz.com, or through iTunes.
(It’s probably best to warn you that the show may not be considered safe for work, or for sheltered children – wear headphones! And another warning: listeners have been known to fall off of treadmills due to laughter, and several listeners have peed their pants – no joke, the gals are funny!)
And lucky for me and you, the iPhoneSlutz heart Dave Knows Portland and wanted to give a little back to the Portland iPhone and pinball communities. Comment on this post. Win some codes. Play pinball. Be happy.
First 10 commenters will receive a free code! (Make sure to enter a valid email address in the appropriate field when you comment, so we can contact you with the code – don’t worry, your address will not be used for anything else.)
And be sure to tune into iPhoneSlutz Wednesdays at 3pm to get the scoop on the latest, greatest (and lamest) new apps!
Aaron W says
Free apps! Pinball! What’s not to love?
BrianM says
Wait, no one has commented yet? I’ll be happy to accept your offer of free software, regardless of if I need it or not!
VJ says
I definitely need it… Thanks, iPhoneSlutz, thanks, Dave!
Dave says
Aaron W, BrianM, VJ – Codes will be sent to you soon (working out with Sabrina at PDX.FM how to get them to you). Thanks for playing!
7 more!
MorgonzoDos says
As an owner of a pinball machine and avid player of pins I believe this is right up my ally.
Sean says
Hey, I was just about to buy this app. I’ll used that 99c for something else.
Heather says
I don’t need the app, but I just want to point out that Dave used to have pinball machines in his kitchen and in his bedroom.
BACK OFF ladies, he’s MINE!
Ben says
I love iphoneslutz and will be moving to Portland in a couple of weeks. This app could be the key to helping me explore the city.
Sabrina Miller says
oh cool ben! Thanks we love you too 😉 You have totally come to the right place in helping you find out more about the city. Dave’s site is the most comprehensive site and kicks ass in helping you find new and different things about the city. Good luck in your move!
Mister Jason says
seriously? I figured the iPhone/pinball geek overlap would be far too great for me to stumble into it with codes left. hit me! hit me like you mean it.
JohnB says
Love the webcasts and the apps, especially when free!
pdxcreep says
I love the idea of this app, and if Dave knows says it’s good…then it’s good enough for me, lol
JimsDSM says
Hey looks like I snuck in as 10th! WOO! I do dig me some pinball…
Dave says
All ten codes have been given away – Thanks for playing everyone!