The Golden Spurtle is the trophy awarded each year to the winner of the World Porridge Making Championship, held each year in Scotland. (The 17th annual, 2010 event takes place October 10th in the Scottish Highland village of Carrbridge, on World Porridge Day!).
The 2009 winner, as you may recall, was Matthew Cox of Oregon based Bob’s Red Mill. And until the next competition, you can visit the actual Golden Spurtle – it’s on display at Bob’s Red Mill Whole Grain Store (5000 SE International Way, Milwaukie, Oregon). Truly, it is a sight to behold!
Recently while perusing the recently revamped Golden Spurtle website, I found this short film (by Fergus Thom of Carrbridge Films) about the 2009 competition, which features competition footage and the awards ceremony:
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