The Garden at Lot 13 is a private park, open to the public (during daytime hours unless there is a private or ticketed/paid event) on North Mississippi. It’s right behind Moxie RX, next door to the Fresh Pot building at Shaver.
During the summer it’s also a venue for various events, including music, Puppetstock, and T’ai Chi.
And the first events of summer 2010 begin next week.
T’ai Chi Classes led by Steve Marsh begin on Tuesday, June 22nd.
Steve Marsh, Accredited T’ai Chi Chih Teacher, will teach all 20 movements of this non-martial arts moving meditation. The 8 session class begins Tuesday, June 22nd from 9:15-10:30 a.m. Steve has taught at the Chinese Garden, VA, Overlook House, and OEA. He co-hosts free weekly Saturday morning practices thru much of the year at the Chinese Garden (free entry), Washington Park Rose Garden, and the Overlook House.
As part of Puppetstock, Mudeye Puppet Company presents Deepsy Diver on Friday, June 25th.
Come explore an underwater world with Deepsy Diver and learn how to protect our watershed! Stick around after the show to meet the puppets up close and ask questions about how they were made. $5/person
Visit for more information about Summer Puppet Theatre in Portland.
And check out the Garden at Lot 13‘s website,, for more information about the park, including the Garden Rules, and the up-to-date summer schedule of events.
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