So here’s what I would do: Head to Oaks Park Friday night for a lead in to your weekend; enjoy a bratwurst, a beer, and the oompah. Turn in relatively early. Saturday take in some of the workshops at the Juggling festival, and then around sunset make your way to North Portland for the Polish Festival (here are some tips). Fill up on pierogies and beer and dance the night away to Chervona. Whew. Sunday, dust off your bike and head up to NW Portland for a leisurely ride around the Sunday Parkways route. If you’re feeling ambitious spend sunset Sunday evening at Chapman school watching the Vaux Swifts!
The 2010 Zenner’s Oktoberfest at Oaks Park takes place Friday through Saturday, September 24-26.
The authentic German beers and food options (e.g. bratwurst, chicken schnitzel, braised red cabbage, sauerkraut, German Potato Salad, and Tater Tots!) are reasonably priced, and there are enough places to put in your order that the lines don’t often get too long. [more]
Portland Juggling Festival and Vaudeville Extravaganza
The 18th Annual Portland Juggling Festival takes place Friday through Sunday, September 24 through 26. Prop manipulation, juggling, and unicycling workshops are just a part of this event held at the Reed College Sports Center (3203 SE Woodstock).
A highlight of the festival is The Portland Juggling & Vaudeville Extravaganza, held on Saturday, September 25th at the Benson High School Auditorium (546 Northeast 12th). [more]
The Polish Festival is one of this Portland’s best annual cultural events, and my personal favorite. It takes place this year on Saturday and Sunday, September 25 and 26.
Take in non-stop music (much of it featuring accordions!), dance performances, a street dance, and polka contests while enjoying Polish food like pierogies, kielbasa, gołąbki (cabbage rolls), placki ziemniaczane (potato pancakes), and other delectable options – and of course delicious Polish beer! In the vendor village, check out the jewelry, clothing, Polish pottery, and sundries for sale. [more]
Northwest Portland Sunday Parkways
The final Sunday Parkways of 2010 takes place Sunday, September 26th in Northwest Portland.
Take the opportunity to spend a pleasant (hopefully) summery Sunday morning and afternoon (10am to 3pm) winding your way on bike or foot through the mostly car free streets of Northwest, and a sliver of Southwest, Portland. [more]
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