How to Repair a Damaged Brain : From Lumps of Sugar to Spheres of Stem Cells is the topic of the first OMSI Science Pub of 2011, on Monday, January 3.
Brains are delicate organs that can be damaged in a lot of different ways: traumatic injury, strokes, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, and also during the course of normal aging. Dr. Sherman will discuss the latest findings and strategies, including work from his own laboratory, on ways to treat damaged brains and restore or retain function. These strategies range from developing new drugs that enhance the brain’s ability to repair itself, to using stem cells that can be “trained” to become specific types of brain cells. Come find out about exciting new research on how to keep our brains healthy!
This Science Pub will be presented by Larry Sherman, PhD, a senior scientist at the OHSU Brain Institute.
The show takes place at the Bagdad Theater (3702 SE Hawthorne) from 7pm until 9pm, but arrive early (5pm doors open) to secure your beer, grub, and a seat! There’s a $3.00 suggested donation/cover charge. Minors with adults are welcome, otherwise this event is 21 and over.