The holiday season just won’t quit. Booze, beer, films, books, holiday light displays, and combinations thereof – it’s all here!
Pittock Mansion Holiday Season 2011
Once again Portland’s historic Pittock Mansion is going all out for the holiday season. This year, from November 21 through January 2, the theme is Christmas Around The World.
“Every year, starting more than 40 years ago, dozens of volunteer decorators, designers, and local organizations donate their time and talents to transform Pittock Mansion into a Christmas wonderland for approximately 17,000 delighted visitors during the holiday season.” [more]
Alberta Main Street‘s Tannenbaum Madness is a walking window tour of whimsical, wacky and artistic trees.
“Tannenbaum Madness is an event, inviting families and art lovers to bundle up and take a stroll up Alberta Street this holiday season. Businesses up and down NE Alberta Street create a walking tour of whimsical, artistic, and unique holiday trees on display it in their front windows.” [more]
The 2011 ZooLights ignite for the first time on Friday, November 25. The sparkling lights and brilliant hues will be cast each evening (except Christmas Eve and Day) through January 1, 2012.
“More than a million lights transform the Oregon Zoo into a luminous winter wonderland filled with moving sculptures, forests of lighted trees and animal silhouettes.” [more]
All Weekend
Climb aboard the 2011 Holiday Express, beginning Friday, December 2.
“Join Santa Claus and his elves for a magical ride behind Portland’s famous steam locomotives. Vintage rail cars transport you through wilderness in the heart of the city.” [more]
The 16th annual Holiday Ale Festival kicks off on Wednesday, November 30, 2011 and festively occupies Pioneer Courthouse Square through Sunday, December 4.
Sure, the weather will likely be crappy, but fest goers stay warm and dry (and claustrophobic) under a sprawling tent covering most of the square. And the beer list? It’s amazing! [more]
Cort and Fatboy Holiday Event: What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
Join Cort and Fatboy this Friday, December 2, 2011 at the Bagdad Theater (3702 SE Hawthorne) for a very special holiday event: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? . . .
This second annual holiday event’s lineup also includes a 35mm presentation of Die Hard, a live taping of the Cort and Fatboy podcast, and more! [more]
DinoBike! First Friday at BIKEASAURUS – Art by Carye Bye
Please join us for next month’s First Friday art opening: DinoBike!
Dinosaur & Bike inspired art installation by printmaker & illustrator Carye Bye of Red Bat Press and Hidden Portland. New original woodblock & letterpress prints, illustrations, multi-media and publication! [more]
The 27th annual Portland ScanFair, presented by the Scandinavian Heritage Foundation, takes place this Saturday and Sunday, December 3 and 4, 2011.
“Scandinavians love to celebrate Christmas. It brings joy to the short and dark days of a Scandinavian winter. Those traditions run deep in the hearts and lives of the people of Scandinavian heritage and come alive every year in Portland at ScanFair.” [more]
The 8th Annual Kenton Firehouse Holiday Sale takes place Saturday and Sunday, December 3 and 4, 2011 at the firehouse (8105 N Brandon).
“Just a few blocks from Kenton’s Paul Bunyan, this annual neighborhood holiday sale featuring local artists has been organized since 2004 by the artists themselves, each taking on roles to make the sale happen.” [more]
Garden Home Community Library Book Sale
The Garden Home Community Library Book Sale takes place Saturday, December 3, 2011 from 9am until 3pm at the Garden Home Recreation Center (7475 SW Garden Home Road).
You’ll find hundreds of hardback and paper bound books, CDs and DVDs . . . Prices are $.50 and $1.00, and your purchases support the Garden Home Library. [more]
The 6th annual Holiday Booze Bazaar takes place Saturday, December 3 at House Spirits Distillery (2025 SE 7th).
“It’s that time again for our big holiday blowout here at the distillery. And as we’ve done just about every year we having a wonderful new spirit to release into the world.” [more]
Holiday Cheer: A Celebration of Oregon Authors
The 44th Annual Holiday Cheer: A Celebration of Oregon Authors, takes place Sunday, December 4, 2011 from noon until 5pm at the Oregon Historical Society (1200 SW Park).
This celebration of Oregon writers is a popular holiday tradition. Dozens of authors will be on hand displaying, autographing, and of course selling their latest works. [more]
For even more weekend events and activities, check out the Dave Knows Calendar, and visit Around the Sun, Blogging Portland on the Cheap, PDX Pipeline, and Oregon Events at
You’re awesome for putting this together. Guests at the hotel have been asking for an activities during the holidays. Thank You Dave 🙂
@Jess – glad to be of service. Thanks for reading!