James vs Reality, the Portland filmed story of a chronic escapee mental patient who just happens to think he is a super hero is now available online (go to YouTube for a higher resolution version):
I interviewed filmmaker Chris Wilson before the Portland premiere two years ago. Since then the film has been shown at over twenty festivals and garnered multiple awards.
Chris and the We’ll Fix it in Post Productions team spent two years on this ambitious project, which features an amazing Portland cast of professionals and first-timers: Jonathan Senske, Hollie Olson, Harold MacKinnon, Ira Kortum, Adrienne Vogel, Mariessa Portelance, Luke Clements, Shannon Teem, Kate Mura, Maddie Johnson, Jonathan McGinley, Lanie Hoyo, JV Williams, Pat Wellington, Matthew Sweeney, Jeremiah Benjamin, Jason Hawkins, Bob Olin, and many many more!
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