Portland Story Theater invites you to a special edition of Urban Tellers this Friday, March 9, 2012 at Hipbone Studio (1847 E Burnside):
Everyone’s got a story. What’s yours? Urban Tellers gives people a chance to showcase their original personal story. Like a live wire act, these people tell their stories without a net, no notes, no script. Stories that have never been told before, until now…
Featuring Diane Ponti, Barbara Jeppesen, Julie Strozyk, Craig Preston, Shela Hartley, and Roy Staples, you’ll hear stories of banes and blessings, where loyalty isn’t always rewarded, rebellion doesn’t always lead to freedom, and true love can be found in a pair of expensive lace panties.
Advance tickets are only $10, and admission always means free food. General seating is tickets at the door are $15, if space permits. Show begins at 8pm.
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