Really, the 4th Annual Holiday Booze Bazaar is the only bazaar you need – who doesn’t like booze?!
I know what I’m doing Saturday.
Hosted by House Spirits Distillery (2025 SE 7th) from noon until 5pm Saturday, December 12, their new whiskeys will be available to taste, and to buy.
We will be releasing 3 different whiskeys, all 100% malted barley:
-56.79% (cask strength) straight malt whiskey in 375ml (limited amount)
-50% white dog (unaged) in 375ml (limited amount)
-44.93% straight malt whiskey in 750ml
But that’s not all! The local shops below will be hawking their wares as well: Chop Butchery, Garden State, Imbibe Magazine, Jacobs Creamery, Joyas de Panama Cigars, Rogue Creamery, Xocolatl de David, Koi Fusion, Cellar Door Coffee Roasters, and Whiffies Fried Pies.
If you made it to last weekend’s Season’s Eatings at New Deal you get the idea. But this event has more food carts!
Admission is free, must be 21 or over. Hours are noon until 5. See you Saturday!
Here’s another event that you might find interesting. We would love for you to come join us and give us your opinion. Event details listed below:
The Jobless Speak Out on the “Jobless Recovery”
A panel of under- and unemployed will speak on how an economic recovery without job creation deepens the impoverishment of workers to resuscitate corporate profits. Discussion will follow on what the growing dispossessed need to do to guarantee everyone the right to a decent-paying job. Sunday, December 13, 3:00pm at the Bread and Roses Center, 819 N. Killingsworth St., Portland (1/2 block west of N. Albina; TriMet bus lines #4 and #72). A $2.00 door donation is requested and a robust multi-cultural meal will be available at 2:00pm for an $8-$10 sliding-scale donation. Childcare and work exchange available upon request. For more information, call or email the Freedom Socialist Party: 503-240-4462;;
I’ve got something that I think you’ll like. See below:
Speak Out In Defense of Youth of Color
Anti-police brutality activist, Helen Sherman, will speak on the disproportionate number of youth of color caught up in the juvenile justice system. Meeting held on Thursday, December 10th at 7:00pm at the Bread & Roses Center, 819 N. Killingsworth St., Portland (on Tri-Met lines #4 and #72). Light meal with vegan option available at 6:45pm for donation. Sponsor: Radical Women. For more information call 503-240-4462.