The groundbreaking internet radio network is no more, but that’s not bad news. is here, starting Monday, October 11 2010.
Now, maybe you didn’t get the memo – probably because we didn’t send one out (we’d rather be working on making good Internet radio than writing stupid memos), but if you want to know why we changed, what’s different, or how it affects everyone involved, we suggest that you listen to the Friday, October 8th episode of Suck It™ – all will become clear.
You really should listen to that broadcast, but here’s the thumbnail: Robert and Sabrina thank the listeners and explain that in all likelihood your favorite show is still on the air. The difference is that the station, and audience is growing. bills itself as The Next Generation of Independent, Talk Radio and has expanded its reach to Seattle, Vancouver B.C. and beyond. A application is forthcoming, which will make listening to and interacting with the show hosts easier, and in May 2011 will launch.
The most popular shows, like iPhoneSlutz, continue on the air at CASCADIA.FM. Suck It™, Unibash Radio, Cort and Fatboy, Legion of News, Don’t Panic Portland, and Exceptional Women NW continue as daily programs. The Life Portlandic is now The Life Cascadia, and a new weekly show, Evening Submission, kicks off Friday, October 15 2010 at 8pm. The full broadcast schedule is up at
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