The 10th annual Mississippi Avenue Street Fair takes place Saturday, July 9, 2011 from 10am until 9pm – on North Mississippi Avenue, of course, between Skidmore and Fremont.
This is still my favorite Portland street fair. Only five blocks from Skidmore to Fremont, you’re guaranteed to run into your friends amongst the 30,000 or so other festival goers.
“Grandfather” Leonard Smith’s BBQ Rib-Off contest is unique to the festival, and is back again this year. And there’s a Craft Beer Garden, food carts, and other great restaurants. Moloko will be celebrating 5 years with a special street fair anniversary party.
Five stages feature 36 bands throughout the day.
And of course over 100 local vendors will be on hand offering their wares, causes, and notions.
Read my posts about previous Mississippi street fairs to see how much fun it is: Mississippi Avenue Street Fair 2010, 2009, and 2008.
Visit the Mississippi Ave website for the press release, fact sheet, entertainment schedule, and more, and see you on July 9th, 2011 on Mississippi!
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