Humanity on Wheels: An Evening of Mass Transit Tales! is coming to the Jack London Bar (in the basement of the Rialto Poolroom at 529 SW 4th Ave.) on Tuesday, March 20, 2012 at 7:30pm.
Kick Ass Oregon History is pleased to partner with TriMet Diaries in offering for your amusement and education… “Humanity On Wheels; an Evening of Mass Transit Tales!” . . .
On this evening we will revel in Mass Transit Glory with the following distinguished speakers:‘s Ribald Resident Historian Doug Kenck-Crispin, who has publicly commuted downtown daily since 1984, will tell the yarns of TriMet’s history, being sure to leave in all the gory details!
Bill Reagan will share his findings as a devoted Urban Explorer and Chronicler.
Jeff Guardalabene, or just Dr. Jeff will regale the swooned audience with his tales of TriMet adventures, and perhaps channel some tattered beat generation musings on public transportation.
Other Special Guests shall surely arrive (with transfer in hand, of course) and an Open Mic session shall round out the evening – where you too can share your Mass Transit Stories, both angelic and satanic in nature.
And you certainly won’t want to miss‘s assistant Mellia Lang’s awesome TriMet stage set – it’s like a diorama come to life!
Won’t you join us? Conveniently located in the heart of the formerly “fareless square.”
Visit and for more details.
Poster design by Heather!
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